Tag: japan

  • Full Bloom

    Yesterday, I went for a Labyrinth Fall Equinox walk in the morning at the Blue Sky Ranch. Later in the evening I went to the Full Bloom event held by The Rope Collective. The art of the rope is so beautiful. I learned that Kinbaku, the art of binding, began in Japan by sex workers…

  • Migration

    I am gradually in the process of migration.  For sometime I have been using Facebook Notes as a blog, but it was inefficient and slow to load.  I am gradually moving things over bit by bit, so things here may be a little redundant to my Facebook buddies who actually took time to read any…

  • Home Again

    Vacation is a remarkable prescription, stirring up the spirit and getting the blood circulating again.  I feel more alive when I choose to get lost instead of feeling lost. It was great to unplug from the news, which fed on the train wreck of a reality show president.  The pig with lipstick has done so…