Category: story

  • Migration

    I am gradually in the process of migration.  For sometime I have been using Facebook Notes as a blog, but it was inefficient and slow to load.  I am gradually moving things over bit by bit, so things here may be a little redundant to my Facebook buddies who actually took time to read any…

  • Wordsmiths

    These last few weeks I have been exploring a world where words become characters themselves, playing out a narrative in a variety of unrelated pieces.  It’s hard to to explain with my own words, and I feel I cannot do it justice. It’s funny, I have been writing this narrative in my head for several…

  • Daddy Lolo

    I knew him as Daddy Lolo.  He was my protector. He was my world.  When I was a few years old we he would carry me on his back as he wandered about the streets.  He would take me into the bars, and all eyes would fall on him. Everyone knew who he was. “Do…