Category: story

  • Another visit from the reaper

    My uncle passed away the day we buried my grandmother, a year after his twin passed away. They were both amazing people who lived incredible lives. My aunt, the twin, was a carpenter and built their homes, one in Long Island and another in Connecticut. Both were born female, but one lived as a lesbian…

  • Remember Me?

    When I die I wonder how much of an imprint I would leave in this world. My grandmother’s funeral is on Monday and I wonder who will be there. I’m not very popular and am lucky if I get any likes from any posts. I doubt many people will even notice if I just disappear.…

  • Goodbye Inay

    Inay finally passed away today, August 4th, around 4 in afternoon. I thought I was prepared because she was 103 years old, and we had all the time to prepare, but I guess you can never be prepared for such things. When my sister sent me the message I immediately went into shock and cried.…

  • Policy & Change

    Every child is my child. Every child is our child. It takes a village to raise the world.So, what’s this all about? Unfortunately, it’s the same story over and over again. History repeats. We repost. Lack of leadership has not changed and Democracy as it is is failing the American people. As of this time…

  • Strangers

    Earlier this year I went to a psychic fair with a grey witch hat on my head. A handsome young man approached me and complimented me on the hat saying he had the same one. I told him he had great taste and then we moved on. A couple of weeks ago at Sabbat’s anniversary…

  • Glow

    Yesterday, we decided to hike at Balboa Park and I was reminded through a Facebook event that it was Saint Patrick’s Day. Of course, I was not wearing any green and wished I ran into some place where I can find something green to wear. I guess the heavens were listening because an angel at…

  • The Mountain

    The Mountain is a sly Unquiet killer Depending on its mood It sways and bends to the elements Like ice wind and snow Still it stands Standing still Waiting for an avalanche To BREAK Where branches break the sun And little kids shoot marbles Pining for the alps The alpinist climbs higher But we know…

  • Buddha and Grief

    “When you take a life, you take your own.” ~Dune I wonder if compassion is something born out of suffering.  To be present to those who are here now is maybe something we learn only because we have suffered through loss. To understand the suffering of another being is to understand your own.  Through the…

  • Birthday

    Today is my “birthday” and it blows. My heart is still broken and there’s no way to quicken this grief no matter how hard I’ve tried. An outpour of birthday wishes and condolences from family and friends have brought me some comfort. Also, the best husband ever has showered me with gifts. I told him…

  • Aegon is Gone

    Why Aegon? After experiencing so much loss, why my baby? I never asked for kittens, but this one found me. He walked into our home searching for his siblings, hiding in the corner of our house. I heard him crying and I named him Aegon, the hidden one. I called him Eggy for short which…