Politics is Poetry is Personal

“Everyone is familiar with the slogan “The personal is political” — not only that what we experience on a personal level has profound political implications, but that our interior lives, our emotional lives are very much informed by ideology. We oftentimes do the work of the state in and through our interior lives. What we often assume belongs most intimately to ourselves and to our emotional life has been produced elsewhere and has been recruited to do the work of racism and repression.” ― Angela Y. Davis, Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement


Sham with an e

When we are born we wake up into this  universe of shams and social conspiracies

Pretending to be pretty

And merry in meritocracy.

We live one big sociological sham with an e,

Building into shame like jelly beans in the brain.

One star dreams and the other one swallows

Fulfilling their prophetic roles of the  givers and the takers

While Pythia cries for them.

Some exist only to suck up the light beam dreams of other sentient beings suspended in space like the super-nova vampires they are.

Others are like zombies, bitter and undying in the blackness of our sour and sad space continuum,

Massive white dwarfs caught in the tick tick ticking dead-ness of time, readily awaiting for that  moment to explode.

Democracy is not now.

Democracy is never.

Democracy is a sham existing in the eye of an idea

While those in power follow their natural order in the heavenly nature of corruption.

The eye blinks to a nascent illusion

As current as the flow of a blood  transfusion

Until all Oxygen is lost from the brain

And the embers in the eyes are extinguished.

Democracy cannot be dead for it was never alive.


Power Is A Script

Power is predetermined like God

Written in a script

Not different from 1984.

They all use it.

They all abuse it.

Those people,

Caught in the turbulence of corruption

Thrown into the spokes of the government,

The corporations,

The Universities.

They all follow the same script

While they lie to the masses

Or the solitary worker standing before them

Asking for a fair wage.

But they don’t want to give in because

It will break the script.


The Devils

There’s a devil on my back

Shooting for the kill

It leaks into my head

Sad thoughts



As sad as Trumpeteers

Jeering in the crowd

Choking on their tears.

In my head too



There are Devils on our backs

Doubling down our spine

Cutting our life’s line

They say,

“Social Security and Healthcare

Need to go away”


There’s a devil on our back

Covering the corners of our eyes

Rallying lullaby lies

As he sings,




The Devils drink their wine

While people fight for lives

They erode our basic rights

Until it’s dead in disarray


And we are fighting with that Devil

In the space between life and death

Almost constant to this day.



There are devils on our backs

We keep fighting every lie

We have no-time to die

We’re too busy fighting

For every day.



Minority Report

Why do “They” get ahead?

Is it because “They” are white?


Is it because “They” are Men?


Is it because “They” are the GOP?


Is it because “They” have privilege you don’t?


War and Greed are pitting

Against the haves

Against the have-nots

Against all Odds and Evens

Demanding Equality

Against the Border

Against the Trans

Against Trump’s Wall

Against the Dreamers whose dreams are melting through ICE

While ICE steals their children and locks them in cages.

“They” will never know how

“We” feels

Mad and Female


Overworked And


Marching Madly

Underpaid in our Pant-Suit Feminism

Resonating like a heat stroke

Ready to collapse

Like a corpse bound tightly in her corset

Under valued

Under class


Under represented

Over Objectified

Over Exemplified and

Over it

Y una Mas

On the record

Over and Out.