
“Me Too” was a phrase that started in 2006 when Tarana Burke, a social activist and community organizer, used it in a campaign to empower women of color who had experience sexual abuse.  In 2017 Alyssa Milano popularized the phrase when she used it in a hashtag to draw attention to sexual harassment and assault.  Since then the movement has grown as thousands of women share their stories.  I remember clearly when #metoo was all over social media.  Women I knew posted it on their walls, but I held back.  I refused to join the band wagon and expose myself as a victim of sexual violence, becoming another statistic lost in the storm of narratives.  I wasn’t courageous and strong enough to share my suffering with them.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford And Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Testify To Senate Judiciary CommitteeNow the #metoo movement feels stronger than ever, but I wonder if the majority of men are actually listening.  As survivors of sexual violence, should the responsibility not fall on the men as they are the perpetrators of these harmful acts against women?  Why must we, women, carry on the shame?


Yesterday, I and many, listened to Christine Blasey Ford testify before the senate committee and the world about her allegations on Brett Kavanaugh’s reprehensible sexual assault, while the GOP cowardly hid behind a woman prosecutor to clean up their optics.  Shame!

Supreme Court KavanaughAdding more to injury, South Carolina Repulican Sen. Lindsey Graham, defended Kavanaugh in a furious meltdown, accusing Democrats of destroying and Kavanaugh.  Later that day Kavanaugh plays the Trump card, using tactic of “Deny! Deny! Deny!” while he plays the victim, refusing to ask the White House for an investigation.  It’s clear to me that Ford, who was open to an FBI investigation, was authentic and credible while Kavanaugh put up a despicable performance.   Shame!

Trump, who had the power to have open an FBI investigation, did no such thing.  Instead, he praised Kavanaugh on his performance and fueled conspiracy theories, railing against Democrat’s tactics and accusing them of executing “revenge on behalf of the Clintons.”   Shame!

So through all the hell Dr. Ford had to go through to tell her very credible story,  (which can be corraborated by the way), the misogynistic hypocrites which is now the Republican Party, decides to go through with the vote.

Women of sexual violence should NOT carry the shame. The shame is on the Men who are willing to prey on and destroy women for their own gain and chuckles.  Men need to grow balls and take responsibility.  Times are changing, and women are no longer staying silent.

